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Bridging the gap between Health and Marketing

Helping non-profit and health and human service organizations create clear marketing strategies that will resonate with their target audience.

Is your organization experiencing any of the following..

  • Lack of participation in programs
  • Minimal downloads for online resources
  • Low engagement (or no engagement) on social media
  • Low views on your website
  • Stagnant or decreased levels in your donor program

If so, you have a disconnect with your audience.

How we can fix this

  • Analyzing your community and their needs
  • Use their feedback to implement changes
  • Create new but cost effective and sustainable strategies that will drive action
  • Repurpose what has performed well

Combining theoretical constructs and communication practices lead to developing strong marketing approaches that lead to action.

How we can work together

  • 90 Minute Strategy Call

    This 90-minute call will help you to identify the best marketing approaches for your program, initiative or resource. You will walk away with concrete ideas and action steps for a successful launch that will advance your organization’s mission.

  • Complete Marketing Strategy

    We do a deep dive analysis to determine background about your target audience, understand challenges and identify public health models that should be used to structure your launch. We will combine that model with marketing approaches that will resonate with your target audience. You will walk away with a detailed marketing report, a clear workflow to implement the marketing and communication framework that is recommended.

  • Marketing Implementation

    We have created a concrete marketing approach and you are ready to move forward but you don’t have the time or resources to implement the strategy. I will work with your organization each month to implement and manage the marketing strategy to help your organization work towards their mission.

I am ready to help you create a marketing strategy that combines evidence based models and proven communication strategies. By taking this approach, we will be able to understand what drives your target audience and determine the best communication strategies that will educate, resonate and increase behavior change. 

Together, we will develop clear steps to take and promotional tools to use so that you can successfully reach your mission. 

Hi,  I’m Katie!

Your Public Health Marketing Strategist

My Approach: 

In order to effectively communicate with your target audience, it’s important to combine both evidence based models and communication theories

This will help to address: 

  • Demographic and socio-economic values

  • Health literacy

  • Benefits Vs. Barriers

  • Self-Efficacy 

  • Motivations to change 

By analyzing these areas and incorporating appropriate evidence-based behavior change models and communication theories, it will help to: 

  • Write in clear jargon-free language

  • Write with a focus of equity and inclusion

  • Lead with empathy in all materials and communications

  • Explain data in a visually appealing way.

Boosting Your Initiatives Visibility & Impact
